Universität Göttingen - Mathematisches Institut
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Felix Klein (1849-1925)

High-precision carrier (Model 582)

Adequate mathematics courses in teacher training

Goals and concepts under heterogenous conditions

Date: March, 24th & 25th 2017 (Fr. 14:00 to Sa. 17:00)

Location: Mathematisches Institut Göttingen, Bunsenstr. 3-5, 37073 Göttingen, Germany

Background: The mathematics education of teachers is very heterogenous among the federal states in Germany. For example the credit points for the mathematics part of secondary school teacher training range from 63 to 105. So the question for the real demand in teacher training arises.

Conference goal: In the framework of the conference we want to discuss well-proven and new ideas and concepts to further develop the mathematics part of teacher training. Contributions will be published as conference proceedings.

Participants: The conference adresses stakeholders in mathematics teacher training as well as school teachers of all types of schools.

Preliminary program

Sections and workshops

  • Which mathematical skills do teachers of tomorrow need?
  • How to respond to heterogeneous conditions of students in mathematics courses in teacher training: New and best practice examples.
  • Creation of a collection of substantial examples of exam questions
  • Educational standards vs. acquired skills
  • Meeting of German school teachers, trainee teachers, and "Seminarleiter": Are young teachers mathematically fit for their job? What is the knowledge that universities should provide?

Evening program: Poster exhibition and short talks about innovative projects for teacher training, (for example project KLEIN with 3D-printing of models of the Göttingen collection of mathematical models and instruments).

Organisation Committee: Stefan Halverscheid (Göttingen), Ina Kersten (Göttingen), Manfred Lehn (Mainz)

This is the 5th conference since 2011 organized by the "Gemeinsame Kommission Lehrerbildung", a joined commission of the Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV), the Society of Didactics of Mathematics (GDM) and the Verband zur Förderung des MINT-Unterrichts (MNU).